Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What the heck IS BeadLit?

Since BeadLit is fairly new and it's getting new subscribers everyday, some may wonder what the heck is BeadLit? BeadLit is a Twitter I was inspired to start when I read about TwitterLit. TwitterLit is a twitter that posts the first line of a piece of literature with an Amazon link to the actual book. I thought it was a cool idea to do with beads! Why would I think so? I'm a glass beadmaker who has been making flameworked glass beads for 8 years and selling them from my website for 4 years. I designed jewelry with beads prior to making glass beads and continue to design jewelry. I string jewelry, I wire wrap, I do metal work, I work with seed beads - you name the technique, I've probably done it and bought a book about it! So, I have a long love affair with the bead and only someone who truly loves them would have half of her studio dedicated to books about beads. I want to share the bead-love with you! You'll be able to read a line about bead and/or jewelry making on the go!

If you haven't already, get a Twitter account .

On Tuesdays, I'll Twitter the first line of a beadmaking/jewelry design book - beadmaking of all mediums, glass, clay, metal, paper - you name it! - I'll BeadLit-Twitter the first line of how to make beads, how to design with beads, history of beads, design techniques with beads - anything related to a bead and written in a book.

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